Cat Names Beginning With V

Looking for great cat names for your pet. Here you will find some fantastic names suggested by our site visitors.

valentine (bell)

by Glowie (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia)

Her name is valentine but we called her bell because her mom's name is snow bell and actually she is a gift for me from my husband on the 14th of February. That's why I gave her name valentine and call her bell as her nickname.

Valentine Our Cats Name

by Kate (London, Ontario, Canada)

Valentine became my cat at the age of about 8 months. I named her Valentine because I picked her up from her foster mommy to bring home on February 14th, 2010. 

Her name couldn't be more appropriate- she is such a little princess- and what do little princesses love more than Valentine's Day?

Valentina "Tina" 

by Kathy (Carlsbad,NM)

We found a little 10-12 week old kitten on Valentine's Day last year. She was sitting on top of a friends truck tire in a parking lot. She was very friendly but kept getting under other peoples cars to stay warm. My husband and I decided it would be safer if we brought her home with us til we could find her home. She loved riding in the car which is not the experience I have ever had with any cat. She sat on my shoulder and looked out the window on the 30 minute drive home. We were never able to find her home so we adopted her and decided to call her Valentina because we found her on Valentines day. We call her Tina for short and she is the sweetest cat ever. We also noticed she has 6 toes on each foot. She's a special cat in a lot of ways and she still loves to go for rides in the car.

what a great story, thank you for sharing it with us here. 

I sometimes think our cats are sent to us and we are powerless to resist.

Good choice for a name and so very appropriate for a Valentines girl.

Vanilla Laces

by Heather (Alabama)

Our cat is all white, with pretty blue eyes. It was originally going to be vanilla ice because of her coat color and ice blue eyes. She just happens to love shoe laces and won't leave them alone! We call her laces for short, even though she is deaf and can't hear us. Her unique name matches her very unique and rambunctious personality!


by Christy Mitchell (Carl Junction, Mo)

When he was a kitten he clawed anything that got near him. bit anything that moved. he was a general pain in the ass. i have scars from his childhood. so i named him after Vlad the Impaler.

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