13 year old siamese cat with bald spots on back

Our cat is getting some bald spots on the spine and is getting a little worse. he is indoors except going out on the deck only, cannot see fleas or dry skin. he does scract his neck area almost like a bad habit, his ears dont look like there are any mites: no dark areas in the ear..not exposed to other cats. but doesn't get as much attention during the day because of work schedule. doesn[t seem to feel bad, acts normal. had annal gland infection 5 months ago and got antibiotic for that. doesn't seem to have any uring difficulties, but does sometimes when using litter box will cry and occationally throw up

Answer by Kate
he could have an allergy to something he is encountering i.e household chemicals or he may be allergic to the food he is eating, sometimes they change the recipes in brand food and some cats can react to some of these ingredients.

Some cats may even have skin problems such as eczema causing dry skin patches that become very itchy.

really a vet need to see the area to try and find the cause so that the correct medication can be given.

I have a web page about skin problems and bald spots which you may find of further interest here


best wishes Kate

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