biggg cat problem !

hello ive just recently let my cat outside for the first time shes roughly about 1 but she comes in the house to poo and wee i got the cat box back and put it outside but she is still weeing and pooing in the house in the same spot i dont know what to do as i think i kept her in too long for her to get used to pooing weeing outside help! xx

Answer by Kate
Cats will learn to go outside but it can take a little while for them to get used to.

cats will often want to use the loo after eating, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. So if you put your cat out at these times they are more likely to learn to go out.

the more often she goes out the quicker she will learn.

My own cat is rather old now and has been going outside all her life but now in the winter she wants to use the loo inside when it is too cold. So in your kittens case it may also have something to do with getting use to the outside temperature etc after being inside for so long. So don't worry they will cotton on eventually.

best wishes kate

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