Can cats lose memory?

by jillian
(Phoenix,AZ, USA)

My cat Sam has been sneaky and frightened for 3 days straight. He is not a new cat that I just got, I have had him for 3 years! He acts like he just came here and has no idea where he is at and when I call his name, he doesn't respond. He sniffs the air and any sudden movements scare him and he jumps on all fours and is spooked.He hasn't eaten in 2 days. Is it possible he might of lost memory? Is that even possible? What could this be?

Answer by Kate
well yes it is possible for a cat to lose their memeory, especailly in old cats. However considering that he hasn't eaten in two days i would suspect that something else is wrong and would get him to the vets as soon as possible and get him checked out.
It is imnpossible to say what could be wrong, it may be that he is feeling very unwell and is scared by it and that would ,make his behavior understandable.

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