Cat Gallery Three

This is our cat gallery number three. You can vote for any of these cats to be cat of the week.


by Israel Ayola (Boise, Id)

Kinky (named for the lightning bolt kink in her tail) has been with me for a little over 4 years now. From a divorce to loosing my home, she has been my little rock on which I have been able to find peace and happyness. she takes a special liking to being under my blanket that sits on my rocking chair and would love to one day catch that pesky laser dot from my laser pointer.

Kit Kat

by jessika (independence missouri)

kit kat is my baby girl she is so sweet and kind and so cute and she helps me with my prolmbes she is allways there for me i got her last summer for my birthday she had 4 babies this year we just gave her babies away she is a Siamese cat and i cant live with out her i love her to much


by Lindsay (Nampa, Id)

I got Madalynn two weeks ago. I went to the store to get bread saw her in a box for sale and bought her instead! She has brought me so much joy in these last two weeks. She makes me laugh every day when she goes on her "hunting" adventures around the house. She is a beautiful cat with enough personality and energy for ten men.


by kate woods (Sheffield, England)

This is Bella. She is 5 months old. She was rescued from an allottment with her sister Lou Lou and has lived with me now for one week. In order to get her i've had to move house, buy furniture (most expensive cat in history!) She is fussy, loving, crazy and smells of warm fur.


by Christine (Michigan)

Punkin is a special cat to us, his mommy & daddy because he's full of love and makes us laugh and say "awwwww" everyday. He's the best companion a human could ask for.


by Maricela Zuniga (Mesa, WA)

My baby Butter is only 7 weeks old, and is way to friendly. Whenever someone sees him in the eyes, he will meow forever until they cuddle him in their arms. I love him so Much. He loves to turn in circles and roll over while playing with another kitten. His favorite toys are round little balls that have jingles inside. He Is the best cat ever!!!


by Kayla 
(south carolina)

My cat is the best! He keeps me company when im lonely. He is very affectionate!


by Victoria (Memphis,Tn)

Tabby is our Apartments. she is a stray. People leave food out for her. I have been feeding her as well as feeding summer. I give tabby treats, food water and i gave her a blanket. she once was a house cat but the people abandon her.


by Samantha 

I got my kitten at 4 four weeks old, and had to fed her. I named her persia, because all she does is purr....


by Victoria Olson (Memphis,Tn)

I got Summer In the middle of July( of this year) I was instantly attached. She follows me everywhere. She makes me happy when I a down. If she senses that I am sad she Jumps Up in my lap and Rubs her head on me. When I got to bed she gets Up there and stays with me until I awake. And Yes I spoil her:) I just bought her New Toys and treats today. LOL I love My Baby Kitty:) This is just an updated photo:)


by Courtney (St. Louis, MO, USA)

About two months ago, I took in a very sweet and loving 1yr/8mo old stray unneutered male kitty (Smokey) that had been fending for himself in my apartment complex. My ex-boyfriend and I had been feeding him and giving him attention but were reluctant to bring him in since we already had four kitties and lived in a one-bedroom apartment. 

Willow Mae

by Janice 
(Bonham, Tx.)

Willow is my first cat, my neighbor rescued her from a busy highway on a hot summer day.
It was love at first sight for both of us I think. I estimate her age to be about 3 months old.
She's great company and playmate to my little dog Daisy, a Cairn terrier.
She's just special because she was a rescue and I had been considering adopting a playmate for Daisy .


by patricia bartz (wellsburg, wv)

Our newest addition chose us. She showed up on our porch one day and we ignored her hoping she would leave. She wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. Lilybelle found a way to get inside the house anyway. We do not know exactly how she gets inside. She is a true cat burglar. She broke in and stole our hearts.


by Andrea (Santa Barbara, CA)

Mika is my little love monster! Literally, she is a monster who loves me. In the middle of the night, she'll go underneath my bed and start scratching it which wakes me up. Once I'm awake, she'll jump back up on the bed and start snoogiling with me. AND SHE WILL NOT STOP! lol, she is the love monster.


by Mia Clewley (Brisbane)

When your cousin Elmo went to heaven last year, you meowed and yowled for 3 weeks, I had to really spend lots and lots of time with you. You felt the emptiness too. I cried each time you called him, I still cry for Elmo, but you adjusted earlier than me. Now you are so focused on attention from me, if you could sit on my lip, you would, and I love it, as you are like a child to me. My beautiful grandson Joshua asked me if I was lonely living by myself, but i said no Josh, I have Sissy, and you Sissy, truly fill every moment I am at home, with companionship. I have had a sad life, but my beautiful cats mended the broken heart, and have shown me unconditional love. God Bless you Sissy (and Elmo in heaven) for all the love and happiness you have brought my way.


by Ellie (London, UK)

Harry is very affectionate, he befriends everyone; tramps on the street, business men and little old ladies. Basically he probably has ADD but aside from that he's playful and so soft he's like cashmere.





by Les and Diane (San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico)

We adopted Camillia from the San Francisco SPCA about 14 years ago and promptly shortened her name to Cami. She was 5 years old at the time of adoption. She started cruising with us on our sailboat Gemini on San Francisco bay and adapted well to all situations. In 1999 we left California on the boat and headed south. Cami and her 2 servants have covered 30,000 miles of ocean visiting many countries from Mexico to South America. Her main job is sleeping with who ever is off watch on long passages, and helping the navigator with many comfort issues while assisting the him to navigate toward her food dish. 

Though she is approaching 20 years of age she is still quite agile and catches the occasional bird, mangrove swallows are not the brightest bird we have encountered. We are presently in hot northern Mexico on the Sea of Cortez and she is enjoying sea food fresh from the ocean. Her servants catch fish pretty good, with a little encouragement from her highness.
You can Google "Cami the Cat" to read more of her adventure on her personal non commercial webpage. She learn to type during one Hurricane season and tell her story of how the cruising life is for her servant and how it is training her crew.

Oreo and Lil Man

by Belle Kennedy 
(Fayetteville, NC)

Oreo is a one and a half year old 100% male cat. Lil' Man decides he wanted to adopt us...and Oreo!!


by Joyce (Heavener,Okla.)

My cat was left on Doorstep by Mamma. Have raised since she barely had eyes open. She thinks she own the house, sleeps in odd places this picture is of her sleeping in Bean Pot.


by Barbara (Hainesport, New Jesey)

Kirby is 1 of 5 kittens. She has a black nose that looks like a koala. So I call her Kirby koala.



I named her Chai because she is the color of an iced chai, WHICH ARE YUMMY !! She used to live two doors down, and was left outside to fend for herself at only 4 weeks old. She is smart, cunning, beautiful , AND FOR AS TINY AS SHE IS, SHE OWNS THE CASTLE !!!



we got miggs right when 9-11 happened, so we thought miggs fit her. she came zooming out of the bushes, fast as lightning. as you can see, she still likes too zoom in on things. !!!!!lol !!


by Jemma 
(San Diego)

Chet is special to me because he is my first cat. He will always have a special place in my heart and I love him unconditional.


by Kristina Aston (Miami , FL )

Jasmine is 17 years old, in this photo she is 14 or 15. One day she was napping on the window sill in her very special place. She looked very content so I went to get my camera. I took a couple of photos which woke her up, so I snapped a few more. She actually looked directly at the lense. We all know how hard it is to take a picture of your kitty actually looking at you. Jasmine always looks away, I swear it's a game she plays with me. We have been together so long and I imagine she will live for quite some time longer, she seems to be in good health. I cherish every moment I have with her. She is my little girl and I love her with all my heart.


by Judy Alonso (Orlando, FL, USA)

Misu is special to me because she came to me in a time of my life when I needed something "theraputic" in my life. 
She was only 4 weeks old when I took her in and her sister went to my mom. Another sad story of a feral cat giving birth to yet another liter and neighbors scrambling to find homes before the kittens themselves become afraid of people.
As a mother of 3 little kids, the last thing I or my husband neede at this point was another mounth to feed... but yet looking into life ahead of me, i decided, what heck!
.........and here we still are continuing the journey of life now as a family of 6.


by emma 

my kitten is special to me because i love my my kitten...


by Al (Franklin, NH USA)

Felix has been with our family for 6 years now. She came as a kitten and has been become a big part of our lives. She had been sickly most of her younger years she was unable to have kittens had one litter but they did not survie. We believe she went into a depression, we then adopted her a kitten Fluffy and since she has been mom to fluffy for a year now she has done much better, She was my husbands compainion after his surgeries while I was working. As I said she is a big part of our family and a special family member


by Krissy F (canada)

He's about seven months old. I love him and his sister both very much. Was a funny story how we got him actually we had visited my friends house a few times previously before coming to pick up the kitten that we wanted. She was a girl but only thing was they looked a lot alike. We picked up the wrong kitten thinking it was her. The next day my friend told me on facebook that we took the boy home. We still wanted his sister but didn't have the heart to take him back so we kept both of them. I am very glad I did cause he's a character! Hes one of those cats that will do things you never think a cat would do. 
Yesterday was changing his litter box had it outside for a minute and came inside and he started to meow I couldn't figure out why then Im like just fed him maybe he has to use the bathroom. Sure enough he looks at me and starts trying to rip open the box that we have our new litter in it was hilarious! then him and his sister ran into the litter box as soon as it was brought back in it was so funny lol!

Gizmo and Yoda

by Mike 
(Montreal, QC, Canada)

We were adopting Yoda from a friend's cat's litter of six. There were 3 sets of twins. Each set of twins seemed bonded, and we just couldn't leave Gizmo behind and take his brother away, so we brought both home. It was the best decision we've ever made because we love them to death. They are both incredibly affectionate and loving.

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