Cat suddenly scared of us...

by Erika
(Chicago, IL)

My one year old cat is suddenly frightened of my husband and me. He used to beg for attention and follow us around the house. Nothing has changed in the last week, but he hides under the bed and refuses to come out for hours on end. He is a sweet spoiled boy who we have never been aggressive with, but suddenly he seems frightened of us. Does anyone have any idea what may be wrong with him? I'm so concerned, any insight would be helpful.

Answer by Kate
Usually when this sort of behavior occurs something has changed. The possible causes are: 1 the cat is feeling unwell and prefers to take himself off. 2. something has changed in the house, new furniture, a changearound, a different smell 3. a new cat is in the area and your cat has got whiff of him and this has scared your cat.

Look into these possibilities and see if anything rings a bell. Even changing your perfume or aftershave can upset a cat sometimes.

I hope you can find the cause of your cats suddden change in behavior.

best wishes kate

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