Cat Worms how do you know

by Tracy

I am not sure if my kitten has worms. She is about 8 weeks old and was born to a feral Mama Cat and the MAma cat had the kittens inside a basement of a abandoned house until they started walking around and she brought them out and then my boyfriend caught her. We got our other cat at the same house and he is almost 3 years old now. We got him some worm medication because he had diarrhea for 2 weeks and was told he probably had worms and it is very common and most kittens will have them. He wasn't tested we just gave it to him and the diarrhea cleared up soon after.Our new kitty(Tiger) isn't displaying any symptoms, but I figure better safe than sorry. I havent noticed any worms either, but read they can be invisible ones. I would think I would have to worm my other cat too, cuz if one has it out Bootsie probably woould too. I have 2 liter boxes, but tiger uses hers and Bootsie's so I know Bootsie could catch worms like that. My question is: Is it ok to give the worm medication even if the cat doesn't have worms? Will it hurt the kitty if she doesn't have the worms? I just want to be on the safe side. I plan on getting her fixed when she is 4 or 5 months old and have a check up then.

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Answer by kate
Yes it is fine to give medication in fact it is recommended that medicine is given to prevent worms in the first place.

Cats should be protected from worms on a regular basis. please see my web page about cat worms for more advice here.

best wishes Kate

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