change in meow

by ed

Our 15-year old Siamese has had a change in her meow since last week. Used to be a firm Siamese meow now like a farm cat meow.

Answer by Kate
ummm not too sure what you mean but if the sound of the meow has chnaged it could simply be that she has a sore throat. My own cat has a very loud meow but on occassion it can get croaky and weaker.

If things don't change and you think there is a definate difference it may be worth checkinh in with a vet to make sure there is nothing in the throat that could be causing the change.

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cat's voice
by: Lisa

So it is possible for a cat to have a sore throat? I'm asking because my cat's meow today is kind of hoarse sounding. It's almost as if she has laryngitis. She's up to date on all shots so I don't think it could be any of the cat normal cat diseases and know it's not rabies.

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