Ernie, My Valentine - Cat Photo Contest Feb 2013

by Jamie Wolting
(Anaheim Hills, CA)

Ernie giving me a nose kiss.

Ernie giving me a nose kiss.

This is Ernie. As you can see by the nose kiss he's giving me, he's very affectionate. He loves to play peek a boo, watch the birds outside from the window sill and dunk his head under the water facet in the sink which results in giving himself a water mohawk. He loves to put his toys in his water dish to "wash" them. His favorite sleeping position is the "Superman" where he stretches out his whole body while laying on his stomach with his arms straight out as if he's flying. His favorite sleeping place is in the linen closet but he also has a cardboard box that he sleeps in that he's very possessive of. He will only play with pink colored balls...not joking. He is very particular about that. He loves to play Tag, where I chase him all over the house and his Tag safe place is the dining room table (He was the one that decided that.) Ernie is such a nice, sweet, playful kitty. I love him and I'm so glad he's mine. :)

Feb 13, 2013
Love Nose Kisses
by: Brandi

He looks like such a wonderful kitty! Nose kisses are the best! I love your pic.

Comment from Kate
What a lovely picture, so sweet. My own cats love to give me nose kisses too. It always feels so special when they do this, as it is a real connection between cat and human. Anyone who says that cats do not have emotions, are obviously not cat owners.

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