Finding George - Cat rescue Story

by Susan

My husband and I had been on a leisurely drive thru Pennsylvania when we decided to stop at a McDonald's right off the highway. As we entered the restaurant, I saw a tiny black kitten trying to eat from a man feeding his dog. She would dart out, try to grab something, then dart back down the bank. I ordered a meal but after watching this kitten I could barely of course took my fries and leftover burger out to this tiny kitten. She did not know whether to come to me for attention (which she clearly wanted) or to eat so tried to do both. I imploringly looked up at my husband...he said "put her in the car" and home we went. She was a bit wild, but adapted quickly to the litter box and living indoors. She was ravenous for a couple of weeks til she found out that food was there all the time. I took her for the feline test that thankfully was negative, got her spayed, shots and voila, what a cat! We were told that she was about 3 years old, but she acts like such a kitten we have trouble believing she is much older than a year...

She has flourished living with us and got her name from Curious and George of the Jungle because of her constant climbing and curious nature.
We love her and she will live with us forever....
Thank you for reading my story.
Susan from upstate Pennsylvania

lucky mom & dad
by: Anonymous

I loved your sweet story. Your husband is a good man to have said "put her in the car" And, she is a lucky girl that you found her. Bless you all!
lucky kitty
by: Anonymous

they say there is no one as loving as a rescued kitty and from experience I tend to believe it. Not that other kitties aren't loving just that rescues are soo happy to be alive. You did a GREAT thing saving George.

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