My older Cat is acting a you know what!

by Therese Presley
(El Paso Texas)

I took my younger cat Spooky to get fixed. She was at the vet all day. When I brought her home, my older cat who is about two years old, starting acting like she has never seen her before. She is always hissing and growling at her. They were the best of buds before I took Spooky. What is wrong with my older cat? Why is she acting this way? Its so stressed about it! What do I do? And what is wrong?

Answer by Kate
Hi Don't worry this is a common problem after one cat visits the vet. It is called aggression trauma and is caused when something frightens one cat and they take out there fear by acting aggressively.

Your female cat probably smells different and may be acting slightly differently after her surgery and this has scared your other cat.

In cases like this it is better to separate the cats for a few days then to reintroduce them to each other again slowly to rebuild there confidence in each other again. Please see my page about the introduction process here

Hopefully after awhile they will settle down again with each other.

best wishes Kate

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