my two boy cats are trying to mate!!!

by Kristen
(houston tx)

i have a huge 3 year old male cat and a very small 5 mouth old male cat, the older one is trying to mate with the little one by holding him down by the neck and humping him. the little one is very scared of the older one and the older one will not leave the little one alone. so i put the little one in my room and he is cleaning himself but the older one is sitting outside the door crying for him.

whats up with them and what do i do?????!!!

Answer by Kate
I am assuming that both male cats are not neutered for my answer.

Tom cats will become aroused by kittens because they are small and may be giving off scents as they move into adult hood. It doesn't matter that the kitten is male, the male drive to mat can be strong especially if they have no females around.

To stop this happen both cats will need to be neutered. the problem may be particularly bad now as the kitten is now at the time when he is maturing . Please see my web page about neutering for more information here

best wishes kate

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