Rolling Cat?

by Emili
(Richlands, NC, USA)

My owner puts stickers on me.

My owner puts stickers on me.

My 8-year-old cat, Misty, has recently started a somewhat strange behavior, she's started to roll around on her back for about 15 minutes at a time. She will often clean her paws while laying on her back, and sometimes she'll just roll from side to side. It's very funny and cute, but I want to make sure nothing is wrong with her to make her do this. Thanks!

Answer by Kate
ummmm well it doesn't sound like anything to worry about as she sounds pretty relaxed while she is doing it if she is washing her paws while she is doing it.

However i would check her coat and skin just in case she has some sort of irritation.

The general rule is that if she is still eating and drinking and using the litter tray as normal and is not showing any signs of distress then she is probably fine and it could be just down to her age. Some cats as they get older often start to display more affectionate behaviour, i.e showing their belly to you.

best wishes KAte
Love the picture

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