Siamese cat doing screaming posturing but not at other house!

by kaye

Hi, this lovely siamese cat adopted us when his people moved and left him behind. He's a wonderful cat...he can be cranky at times but he is never mean. He always hangs out in my husband's home office when he is on the computer. Tonight my hubby was on the chair, Frankie (the siamese) put his paws up on the chair, looked right at my husband and started squawling. It was the exact same posturing sounds that cats make when they come across a strange cat. For a few minutes after he acted antsy and even went *on point* when looking out the window of my home office. I thought perhaps he had sensed another cat in the yard or something. Two hours later...he's alone in the home office....he starts doing the same noise again. I walk in there. He looked at me, then wound up lying down. Now he's curled up in the chair sound asleep. None of his habits have changed at all. He's eating, drinking, etc etc.

Is this behavior something I should be concerned about. I've always had cats in my life since I was a tiny girl and I have never, ever seen a cat use that posturing yowl before unless a strange cat is around.


Answer by Kate
A tricky one to answer as all cats are different in their behaviours and social interactions. Siamese especially can be very vocal and more expressive.

He may simply be bored and looking for something to so or someone ton play with and his vocal sounds are his way of getting attention.

I wouldn't worry unduly as long as his other behaviours and eating habits etc have not changed. Any changes in these would be best checked out by a vet.

however I would suggest taking a look at making sure your cats home life is as stimulating as possible (i don't know if you let him out or not) I have a web page which may you may of interest about this

best wishes Kate

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by: Kaye

Thanks for your response. I actually got to speak to our Vet today and he's been a vet for around 50 years now. His explanation was interesting but made sense. He said that very occasionally spayed and neutered cats can literally have spring fever. Apparently a hormone builds up and when it hits the *breaking point* our wonderful kitties will exhibit many of the same behaviors that they would if they were out catting around so to speak lol.

He said that this lasts anywhere from an hour to a few days. There is one other explanation which did not pertain to our siamese. If a cat exhibits this behavior along with a lot of squatting, some obvious pain or discomfort and is not comfortable then the cause would be a blockage of the urinary area.

Thanks again. I did want to post my vets opinion just in case someone out there has the same problem :-)

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