3 cats not getting along any more

by Karen

One of my 1 year old cats recently had to go to the vet 3 days in a row, he also has a brother same age. I have a female cat who is 2 and ever since her brother went to the vet she is hidng all the time she was hissing at him now that has stopped it has been 3 days I was suppose to take her to the vet as well but could not get her in the carrier do you think she is just freaked out with all the change she is eating although not when anyone is around and still using the litterbox

She is a scaredy cat anyway and all this seems to have pushed her over the edge.She used to run around with them now she hardly comes upstairs. She will play a little with the one who didn't go to the vet but has stayed clear of the one who went to the vet, and he was like her best buddy. So I just need some advice I don't know how to help. Thanks in advance

Hi Karen
Don't worry this is a common occurrence especially after trips to the vets.

yes your female cat is scared because your other cat will smell different and may also be acting a little differently after their trip to the vets.
when a cat is scared or anxious they will react aggressively or hide away for awhile.

Normally things will calm down after a few days but if the cats continue to act oddly with each other it is often a good idea to help the cats rebuild their confidence in each other with a period of reintroduction. It takes a few days and is a little time consuming but the results are worth it in the end. the process is described here and is the same for introducing new cats to each other.


Hope things are back to normal for you soon.

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