30th March 2010 - Our Cats Diary

by Kate

Byron And Shelley In The Garden

Byron And Shelley In The Garden

Now that Byron and Shelley our cats are going outside more now that the temperatures are rising, i thought I would receive a few cat presents in the form of dead mice and frogs.

However Byron has other ideas on what constitutes a good present. today he came running in the house with a old green sponge and dropped it at my feet.

I suspect the sponge belongs to my neighbor and has come from her garden. Over the last few weeks both cats have retrieved various articles from their garden and dropped them in ours. Things like plant markers, pieces of netting and various parts of plants.

thank goodness our neighbors love cats and don't seem to mind that the cats treat their garden as a great big playground. I often come home to find cat collars and toys on my doorstep, picked up by my neighbors and returned to us.

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