Cat Photos And Stories
Byron And Shelley

Cat photos of Byron and Shelley our cats.

Name: Byron   - Short haired Black And White domestic
            Shelley - Short haired Tabby and white domestic

They are both males and they were born we think around the 1st May 2009.

We all live in London UK

Their favourite food is: We like dry food mainly but if we could we would eat our mum and dad's dinner as well.

This is what we like doing the best: As you can see we like cuddling up together for lots of naps but we also like running like crazy around the house breaking things and generally keeping our mum and dad on their toes :)

Their funny habits are: Byron likes to lick furniture, his brother, hands, in fact most things. Shelley likes to put his face right inside your shirt and then right up close to your face so that he can lick your nose.

How I found my cat: these two kitties were handed into the RSPCA as unwanted. the owner pretended that they were not hers but found them in the garden, but she cried and cried when she handed them. So we think this could be a fib.

We re-homed them only a few weeks after they were handed in so they have always known and been around people so they are very friendly and well adjusted already. In fact they were already litter trained when we got them home.


Shelley Playing With Matt. A video

Byron playing with toy mouse video

Byron and Shelley's Cat Hut (Please do not Use this form this is for Byron adn Shelley's pages)

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Byron and Shelley's Diary Entries

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

The Two Former Strays That Are My Whole World 
I so vividly remember my first encounter with a ginger tabby who would become my Chershire in late summer 2011. My parents and I spotted him down the …

Aubrey Our Stray Cat Nov 2020 
Some of you may know that in 2015 a rather thin and scruffy cat came into our lives. We eventually names him Aubrey after the street he was found in. …

Christmas Time With Our Cats 
Well it's Christmas Eve here in the UK and I'm preparing to go visit my relatives and that means making plans for our kitties, this year 5 cats need taking …

Update On Byron's Health 
Well Byron came home yesterday after spending two nights at the vets hospital. The trouble is that the vet does not really know what could be wrong with …

Byron Our Cat Is SIck 
This week has been very trying and worrying for us all here at home. Byron our black and white cat has not been very well at all; Let me tell you how it …

The Cat That Wouldn't Purr 
Sounds like the beginning of a children's story doesn't it? Well in our home it's a sad reality. As many of you know we have two cats. Shelley and Byron …

shelley our cat knows how to get a comfortable nights sleep 
Shelley is our home boy. Unlike his brother who is so independent and spends the day roaming the neighbourhood. Shelley likes to be around people, …

Kitty Summer Days 
This year summer in the UK has been glorious. Yes it may have gotten off to a slow start ut once it arrived it arrived in style. Hot summer days with cloudless …

Hot Weather and Cat Care 
Hot weather is great for us humans, well especially here in the UK this year as we have been waiting for it for some time. However our poor cats in their …

Spring Clean Time For Our Cats 
Spring is finally here and summer is on the way and just like us humans it's also time for a spring clean for our cat's Byron and Shelley . But in their …

Depressed Kitty Cats 
November here in the UK has been wet and cold and basically grim weather for all concerned and that includes our cats Byron and Shelley. Both cats have …

Kitty Grass For Our Boys
7th Nov
Kitty Grass For Our Boys What you may be asking yourself is kitty grass and why on earth would you buy it for your cats? Well call us soft but we like …

Fireworks and Two Scared kitties. Nov 2012 
Well It's firework night once again here in the UK. A time when we celebrate the stopping of the gunpowder plot in 1605 and the blowing up of the English …

New Cat Bowls For My Fussy Feeders 
Well we all know that cats can be fickle things don't we? And finding the right cat bowl for my two boys Byron and Shelley has been an ongoing saga! …

Where's Summer? My Cats Wonder 
Well since the last post in May where I reported that we had been having non stop rain, things have only got worse. Yes June here in the UK has been one …

Spring is Missing Meaning Two Bored Cats 
It is now May here in the UK and despite the fact that it is Spring and the whole country is in Drought (officially), it continues to rain and rain and …

April 2012 - Byron Reclaims His Favourite Chair 
Well after nearly a year Byron our black and white cat has finally returned to sleeping in his favourite chair. The reason for the chairs lack of kitty …

Jan 2012 - Cats Love Watching Television 
We were lucky enough to be given a huge TV for free from one of our friends who had bought themselves a big new one as a Christmas present to themselves. …

Shelley The Hunter - Dec 2011 
Shelly has always been a hunter and likes nothing more than seeking out small critters. The picture above was taken when he was only 4 months old and …

Cat Diary July 28th 2011 - Update on Cats health 
Well what a few weeks we have had. I reported on July 8th that both our cats were sick and that we were going to take them to see the vet. well it …

Both Kitties Sick - Cat Diary July 8th 2011 
Well today isn't a good day in our household, especially for our cats Byron and Shelley. i will admit i have never had cats in my life who have been …

Byron Has A Bad Day - Cat Diary 
Poor Shelley, he hasn't done a thing wrong and he still gets it in the neck from Byron his brother. Ah brotherly love. To be honest with you i think …

Bully Cat Gone - May 2011 
You may remember me telling about a nasty stray cat who has been attacking both Byron and Shelley our cats over the last year. with resulting bites and …

Sick Kitty Update - 12th April 2011 
Hi everyone Well we did end up taking Byron to the vets today (we are now another £74 lighter ). the vet took a good look in his mouth and could see nothing …

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Sick Kitty - April 10th 2011 
I fear that my Byron is not very well. I have been keeping an eye on him over the last 3 days to see if he perks up which is often the case when one of …

Cat Diary - 3/3/11 Byron And The Lick Offensive 
As you can see from this video Byron is washing Shelley Furiously. this went on for some time. Now there was a reason for this over zealous licking. …

Jan 14th 2011 - Poor Byron In the Wars Again 
Our poor little Byron has once again come under fire from the local nasty Tom Cat and has a terrible wound on his hind leg again. A visit to the vets will …

27th Dec 2010 - Cat In A Box 
This Holly my parents in law kitty. This is her first Christmas and she has loved all the shiny decorations and playing with the Christmas tree. As …

Dec 25th 2010 Byron Likes water Straight From The Tap 
Byron found Christmas day all too exciting and needed to get a drink as soon as possible. There was simply no time to wait for mum and dad to refill his …

29th October 2010 - Scratch, Scratch, Scratch 
October has been a particularly itchy time for our two kitties, Shelley and Byron. Although completely flea free and treated regularly for fleas, this …

Sept 27th 2010 - Sickly September Cats 
September has proven to be a month of vet visits for our two boys. First it was their yearly vaccination boosters, then poor Byron got badly bitten on …

Shelleys's New Cat Bed 
We decided to treat Shelley to a new cat bed today. his brother Byron ha a had a cat bed for some months now but Shelley has been sleeping on a red cushion …

30th July 2010 - Meet Holly the latest addition to our cat family 
Please meet Holly the latest kitty to join the family. However I hasten to add she is Matt's parents new pet and not ours but we as a proud aunty and uncle …

July 10th 2010 - Cat out on the tiles 
The other night Byron stayed out all night for the first time and I must admit to being a little anxious for him. He usually quite happily comes in …

Jul 8th 2010 - A bad time to be a mouse 
Well I guess all cat owners realize that cats will naturally kill things regardless of the fact if they are hungry or not. This week has been a bit …

Jul 2nd 2010 - When hot weather strikes a cat flops 
You can tell summer has finally arrived here in the UK, the cats have flopped. I'm not sure if this picture of Shelley is very flattering but at least …

My Cat Diary June 2010 
Looks like Byron has decided that he would rather sleep in our old hat storage box than sit on his cushion. Typical cat, you buy them luxury bed and they …

May 3rd 2010 Even cat brothers have fights sometimes 
I wanted to tell you about a scene today between Byron and Shelley, my two male cat brothers. Mainly to illustrate that animals do have feelings and thought …

A Very Happy Cat Indeed 
Shelley is a simple cat with simple pleasures. As long as there is food in his tummy a comfy cushion to sit on and an obliging hand to tickle his head …

30th March 2010 - Our Cats Diary 
Now that Byron and Shelley our cats are going outside more now that the temperatures are rising, i thought I would receive a few cat presents in the form …

Spring and Cats - Sometimes a terrible Mix 
Mar 19th 2010 I love spring, the cats Byron and Shelley Love Spring, well who doesn't? Baby animals being born all over the place, baby birds, froglets, …

Feb 26th 2010 - Rainy Days Kitty Blues 
It's been a horrible week of cold wet weather here in the UK and the cats Byron and Shelley are really fed up with it. they hate going out when the weather …

Lost Byron 
What a day I had yesterday. I let the two kittens out in the garden at 10 am then I went out about half an hour later. i saw Byron in the street and …

Shelley And The Cat Tree 
When we brought Byron and Shelley home we had to keep them in for 3 weeks and so we wanted to make sure that they had lots of fun things to do in the house …

Byron The Cat Guru 
This is Byron practicing his Guru pose. As you can see he is managing stress very well and hopes that he can teach the world to be less stressed and more …

Shelley Attacks The Snow 
Shelley is the lets say less bright of the two brothers or as i rather like to think the more sensitive one :) Anyway during the recent snow, he can …

Cats In Snow 
well it has been snowing in London for about three weeks now on and off and this is the first time Byron and Shelley have seen snow, so you can imagine …

Byron and Shelley Cat Diary 2009 
Shelley really is a people person and likes nothing better than to go everywhere they go too. Luckily we spotted him in the bag before we went shopping. …

Byron Loves to drink water 
As you can see Byron takes every opportunity to have a drink of water. I had brought this glass up for myself as I worked at my desk, but Byron got to …

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Our Happy Cats - Byron and Shelley's Diary 
Although our two new little kittens have only been with us a few weeks they have settled right in and as any cat knows, the first place to claim as their …

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A Stray Cat And A Stressed Cat - Aug 6th 2014

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