Feb 26th 2010 - Rainy Days Kitty Blues

by Kate

It's been a horrible week of cold wet weather here in the UK and the cats Byron and Shelley are really fed up with it. they hate going out when the weather is wet and so they have been prowling round the house looking really miserable and has even been playing together just a little to hard and its the first time I have ever seen one of them hiss at the other.

So I have had my hands full this week trying to keep them amused during the day which means that I haven't been able to do as much work as I need to.

what do you do when your cats get bored?

Comments for Feb 26th 2010 - Rainy Days Kitty Blues

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Bored Cats
by: Mary in NC

I also have cats that go through boredom periods.
My cats are ALL indoor only cats but some days they just appear bored and that is when they seem to find fault with each other and create havoc with one another.
That is when my grand daughters and I get out the LAZER LIGHTS and WOW, everything changes for them.
They chase the lights, jump, roll about and flip around and all is fun and games again for them.

Cats do from time to time get bored as do we humans, but all they need is alittle stimulation to set the mood for fun and all is happy again.

Bless their sweet little hearts.
They require so little to be happy!
Too bad humans cant be easily pleased like that from time to time.

Oh, the joy of being a cat!
Naps whenever and wherever you like.
Someone feeding you tasty food on demand.
Having a home to rule like a Queen or King.
Humans who do as they say when they say.

Looks like the CAT is a smart species, huh?

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