Cat News, Views and Events

This Cat News page will bring you News from the animal world from around the world.  

The page will also bring you reviews and news of any animal especially cat events we manage to attend or which are contributed by You our wonderful cat owner friends. Don't forget you are our eyes and ears all over the world, so if you hear or attend an animal or cat event please let us know by submitting it below and let others know too. If you want to keep up to date with everything new that happens here, why not click on the ORANGE RSS FEED button (no email address required) on the left and you will be pinged whenever something new appears on our website.

Don't forget if you have an event you want to promote then why not let us know here on our animal news page and we will add it to our site. Or have you attended a recent cat or animal event which you would like to tell the world about, we would love to hear about it. You never know, you could become one of regular article contributors. So get writing. :)

The cat protection league here in the UK is a charity for looking after unwanted cats and finding new homes for them. They have recently just set up their own cat blog, I have decided to keep you up to date with all their news by adding their feed to this page. The feed takes a few seconds to load so please wait while the page loads.

Don’t forget to bookmark our RSS feeder

News Stories

Watch Out For Flea Treatment Poisoning

Did you know that some dog flea treatments contain a highly toxic insecticide which can be fatal to cats? News from the UK, suggests that accidental cat poisonings could be on the rise.

Sleeping With Cats

Does your cats like to sleep on your bed. Do you find it hard to sleep? Read our story and solution.

My Own Experience Of Calicivirus

I have been devouring the net for articles, information and personal experiences people have had with Feline Calicivirus. I came across the story of Byron … 

Cat News From Israel

Can you imagine just how scary it would be to find yourself suddenly on a slippy surface surrounded by giants with lots of noise and running about then …

Shooting Feral Cats

The USA is supposed to be a country who is well educated and "fair" and for the most part "positive advocates" in treatment of animals both wild or tame …

Cats and The Risk Of Antifreeze Poisoning

Here in the UK it is mid-winter and freezing cold at the moment. Everybody is wrapped up warm and the local councils are busy spreading salt grit on the … 

Cat Purrs and Health - Could a purring cat really help with our own health?

Cat Flea Control - Controlling fleas is so much more important than many realise.

Heydon Animal Awareness Day - A great day out for all the family and also a great way to promote animal rescue.

Wood Green Animal Rescue Centre

The Mayhew Animal Shelter Fun Day 

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