Pet Memorial Quilt
A Permanent Reminder Of Our Cat Friends. 

A pet memorial quilt was an idea I came up with to provide a beautiful lasting tribute to all of our departed cats and a place of comforting memories for those of us who have suffered the loss of a pet.

The idea of a quilt came from the fact that in America there is a strong tradition of people making memory quilts which contain the history and story of family's lives.

Update 2018

Please note the quilts will no longer be updated but the cat memorial pages continue. They will be a permanent memorial to our beloved furry friends.

If you would like to submit a memorial please use the form below. Thank you Kate

Submit Your Own Cat Memorial

Would you like to add your cat to our memorial quilt?

Attach a picture of your special furry friend along with their name and date of passing. Also please add your own personal memorial message (300 minimum words please). We will add it to our memorial quilt and it will become its own page on the site as a constant memorial for your cat.

See Pet Memorial Messages

Visitors comments

Bagheera... You were born in a shelter. Your Mum and siblings were all adopted. But not you. You lived there for two years, and then I came, looking …

Tobias Our Cat  
Tobias...someone threw you away...and you came to my door. You gave me kisses, and cuddled by my side, and had the loudest purr I had ever heard. With …

Butter - Cat Memorial 
December 3rd 2020 Dear Butter, I’m so glad I had a chance to raise you from an adorable fluffy kitten to beautiful full grown cat. Your sweet loving …

2016-10/22/2020 You're my Little Buddy, I love you!I miss you so much and will think of you every day.You were and still are a good kitty.I will always …

Our beloved Tomos sadly passed away on the 23/05/2019 our hearts are broken. Tomos was a lovely boy who had a hard life before we rescued him His Pals …

Harley - Cat Memorial 
04.02.2019 Dear Harley, our big brave boy left us today. You were such a beloved companion for over 18 years. I saw you when you were just 1 hour old …

Boots - Cat memorial 
11/16/18 approximately was the day my world changed in a blink of a eye. It was about 2:30 a.m and I was startled out of bed by a painful shriek.I ran …

Sooty cat memorial 
Sooty was the man of my the house for 14 years and sadly passed away at home on Saturday. Sooty wasn't just a cat, he was my heart and soul, with so many …

28/11/2018 I will always love you. I will always cherish the moment we shared together. I will never forget you because you made me a better person. …

Findus - Cat memorial 
14.08.2018 You was my reason to smile You was my reason to love You was my reason to exist You was the love of my life and my soulmate I had given …

At Rest June 7th 2018 Oh my baby boy you were far too young to be taken from me.I have had to make the most painful but the most absolute test of love …

August 5, 2018 Thank you for your love and your companionship over the past 11+ years. You helped make our life happier and more complete. We will …

Mister MGee - Cat Memorial 
2012 MGee was the love of my life. Unfortunately I am not a pro with the p.c. so I don't have any pictures I can add to his obit. He had three siblings …

Smudge Our Cat 
4/28/18 Smudge-girl I love you so much and it’s so hard to accept that you aren’t with us. You gave me so much joy and purpose when I couldn’t find it …

Mackenzie- Cat Memorial 
21-2-16 My little tabby girl went to Join her big sister Lulu, also on this quilt 2010. Only 2 years old and my biggest delight. Every night I would hold …

Muffin- Cat Memorial 
7 June 2017 Dearest Furry Little Friend, spending almost seven years with you has been one of the most rewarding, most satisfying experiences in my life. …

My Cat Friday - Cat Memorial 
Spring 2013- Monday,March 27,2017. My girl "Friday", you came to me at 13:00 hours, Friday, December 13th,2013. Small wonder I named you so. Small kitten, …

Mr. Bill - Cat Memorial 
12/23/2016 Mr. Bill 1998-2016 Mr. Bill was my cat for half my life since I was 15 years old. He was over 18 years old. Toward the end his body was …

Czee My Cat 
Date of departure: October 10, 2016. Czee was my cat for 6 years. She was a stray that we took in, loved, and she loved us in return. She was a shy …

Kasey Pet Memorial 
June 25, 2016 Dear Kasey "Una", I hope you know how much we loved you. I am devastated that after 16 years together, you are gone. But I was told …

It's been a year since you passed away my sweet Bella Boo. I still think of you every single day. I miss you more than anything but most of all I miss …

4 February 2011. Chelli you were the most wonderful, loving and amazing cat and we were lucky to have 12 years together. I treasured every one of those …

Angel - Cat Memorial 2014 
November 30, 2014-Goodbye my sweet girl When you first came in to my life, it was supposed to be for a short time. Things changed, and you and your brother …

Chester passed away on 01 january 2016 at the age of 12. Dear Chester, you passed away while I was on holidays and the pain and guilt I feel are truly …

Click here to write your own.

01/09/2016 You left a memory no on can steal. You left a heartache no one can heal.

Charlie - Cat Memorial 
Charlie...8/13/2015 My dearest Charlie you left us on this day and you were called home. You are at peace, you are at rest, you are again in a loving …

Alfie - Cat Memorial 
30th june 2014 Alfie my boy I know it may be that you rest and sleep in tranquility Or so I've been told by people I love who try to see things from …

Poopy - Cat Memorial 
29th of May 2014 My dear little love One month has elapsed since you abruptly left us. I can still feel you in every corner of the house. Sometimes I …

Click here to write your own.

Pet Memorial Quilt 2016/17

11/2/2017. We love you and miss you our Baby

Memorial Quilt 2015

Cat Memorial Quilt 2014

I thought that a digital version of this sort of quilt containing all the portraits and names of visitor's cats would be our way of saying thank you to our furry friends.

I also know that many people are unable to have their own burial spot for their pets and may not have a place to go and remember them.

If you have suffered the loss of a pet, then I hope you feel that this is a place you can call your own for remembering your much loved feline companion.

My cats have their own spot in the garden and are also remembered here on the quilts. I hope you find these pages of cat memorials a place of quiet peace and of happy memories.

All the quilts will remain available for viewing at any time. They will be a lasting memorial to our cats and a source of comfort for those who have experienced the pain of pet loss.

If you have recently lost a cat you are very welcome to add them to our quilt. Simply fill in the form below along with a picture of your cat and also a memorial message you would like to add either for your cat or to tell us about your life together.

Cat Memorial Quilt 2013




Cat Memorial Quilt 2012




Cat Memorial Quilt 2011





Cat Memorial Quilt 2010











Sir Lancelot & Henry



Cat Memorial Quilt 2009









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