To neuter your cat or not, that is the question? In fact it is a very easy one to answer.
There are so many benefits to having your cat spayed that it is one of the most important things you can do as a caring cat owner.
As you will discover on these pages!
But I know that many cat owners have a lot of questions and worry about having their beloved pet operated on.
So I have put these pages together to give you all the information you need.
(By the way, Neutering usually refers to sterilizing male cats and Spaying refers to female cats)
... discover many, many more good reasons to sterilize your cat ... for THEIR sake!
In fact the earlier you can spay or neuter your pet the better. Having your cat done between 5 and 6 months has been shown to be:
Kittens shouldn't be let outside until they have been neutered. It is surprising to know that female cats can get pregnant at a very young age.
There are many myths about this subject which are designed to frighten you into doing nothing about it.
The main myths are:
There are tens of millions of stray cats in the USA alone!
There are simply too many cats being born and not enough homes for them all, that is the bottom line. So every time a cat has kittens, somewhere other cats or kittens are having to be euthanised, simply because there is no where for them to live a safe and healthy life.
Countries where cats roam the streets in their hundreds, see cats live a short, often painful life. Ending by either poisoning, starvation, disease or brutally killed on the roads or by an angry farmer or house owner. This is no life for a cat and there is no need for it.
Find out what happens during the operation, plus useful tips about after-care and recovery periods.
These procedures are very routine and the benefits of having the sterilization surgery done can far outweigh any short term discomfort to your kitty!
Learn about the cat heat cycle, how to recognise the signs that your cat is in heat and how long it lasts.
Feral Cats are strays that have returned to living like wild cats and they often live short lives of constant hardship and struggle.
Check out these handy FAQ's and discover how the Trap-Neuter-Return policy is helping to stabilize the feral cat population in the most cost effective and humane way.
"I hope these pages help reassure you that to spay or neuter your cat really is one of the best and kindest things you can do. Both for your cat and the feline population as a whole!"
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