Funny Cat Videos To Put A Smile On Your Face

We all love a funny cat videos don't we? I know it puts a sile on my face that really gets my day off to a good start.

I have put together some of my favourite videos here for your pleasure. There are even some video which have been sent to me from some of the sites visitors for you to enjoy. 

I have only chosen the best quality cat videos and are all very funny, very cute and are guaranteed to put a smile on your face that will last all day long.

We hope you will enjoy watching these cat videos.

My favourite talking cats video

A compilation of very funny cat antics caught on video. 

A really cute video of a kitten desperately trying to stay awake.

Cat Verses tortoise. My money is on the tortoise. 

A spoof video about cowboys herding cats.

Submitted Videos

These cat Videos have been Submitted by visitors to this site and who who wanted to share their own cats with all of you.

Sleeping Cat Video with time Lapse and lots of purring.

Cat Chat - Sissy Chatters when her owner coughs.

Cat Videos of how to drink from a glass.

Kitten discovers own shadow.

Swimming Cat 

Cat Tricks - Wiggy the cat likes to smoosh plastic bags

Why does this cat want to go out so desperately?

Find out and see a few of my other favorite videos here.

Cats are the perfect actors and are so full of personality and have so many funny little quirks about them that I just can't get enough of looking at them. 

We are always on the look out for new humorous cat videos to add to our site, don't forget to let us know if you come across other cat videos that you think would be good enough to have here on our happy cat site. 

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