Cat Video Cowboys Herding Cats 

Cat Video cowboys herding cats! Yes you read right, herding cats. I just had to include this cat video in my selection even though it is a promo video. So ignore the advert at the end. 

I loved this video I thought it was such a great idea and the way they combined the cats and the action that was going on was brilliant. I think this video was one of the first to start a whole raft of advertising ads using cats as their main stars, but this still has to be my favourite.

Also there is a great sense of fun about the video, especially in the way the cowboys talk so earnestly about the cats.

The best bit I think is watching the cowboys using hair removers on their leather clothes and the cats swimming through the river. You really have got to see this video if you love a good cat movie.

Yeeha, lets get those kitties rolling. A Cat Video cowboys and all.

More Videos

I hope you enjoyed watching this video. I have a lot more feline videos on my site so If you would like to see another one of my choices of best cat video on the web you can choose from this list. 

The talking cats video is another I would recommend. This is a fun video of two cats talking to each other and trying to get a treat from their owner. The maker of this film has great timing and really does find the cats characters. 

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