Mister MGee - Cat Memorial

by Bobbie
(Manvhester CT)

2012 MGee was the love of my life. Unfortunately I am not a pro with the p.c. so I don't have any pictures I can add to his obit. He had three siblings in the cage at the pet store, I took two out with no real connection then .... I held MGee and knew for absolute certainty that he was the one. He would walk to the dumpster with me, come flying from wherever he was (be it 5 minutes or 5 hours) to welcome me home. I would pick him up, put cards in his paws and say "Grandma I have cards for you" Mom

would open them and kiss him a kiss to say thank you. When he started going outside, only on our patio, he went out in a baby stroller with an "it's a boy" baby hat on to keep his ears warm in the winter because he was so sedentary. As his days of the stroller went away because now the patio was fenced in, so went the hat. He absolutely adored the hat and stroller while the patio was open. Once he got to be
a big boy and would simply ask to go out he no longer wanted anything to do with hat.
When I was planning a "new kitty" shower for a friend I had bought a mouse shaped toy chest. As I was opening toys for the chest MGee decided he would try it out. He
almost got stuck because he was actually bigger than the mouse. When I'd get home from work Mom (who lived with us) would open the gate, tell MGee "Mom is coming" and he would proceed to walk toward the dumpster with his tail tall and proud. I would love him, ask him if he wanted to carried or walk. When he was a kitten I would ask him "will you give Mommy a hug" and he would sit with his paws up in the air to be
picked up. From the time I got him til the day he died we would do that. MGee will
forever own my heart .... if I live to get more cats NO one will ever take his place. I love you Gilly ..... with all my heart.

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