Mackenzie- Cat Memorial

Best friends

Best friends


My little tabby girl went to Join her big sister Lulu, also on this quilt 2010. Only 2 years old and my biggest delight. Every night I would hold her in my arms like a baby and she would purr and let me kiss her fluffy tummy and carry her to her basket. On the way we would stop so she could stretch her paws against the doorway. For a rescue moggy she had some very interesting traits. She would put both paws around a doorway and then bounce up and down half way up the door frame while purring. She would chase and fetch like a dog. A scrunched up shopping docket was her favourite toy, she would wait til I got home from shopping and meow if I was too slow in scrunching up the docket and throwing it, she would return it to me endlessly, it was great I could lie in bed and up she would hop up with the docket in her mouth. she had a very strange habit of finding my visits to the loo thrilling and her tail would quiver, never worked that out. Her and my boy Nisbet were madly in love, they slept in the sweetest funniest poses and usually mirrored each other. When she died a big light of love and joy went. We both missed her terribly and still do. RIP my little saucer eyed girl. You were such a gift.

Comments for Mackenzie- Cat Memorial

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Mar 29, 2018
Shopping Docket?
by: Anonymous

So sorry you lost your cat baby so young. I had one like that who was so loving and would let me kiss her fuzzy tummy, but she died a year ago. She was 19, though. What is a shopping docket? Is that like a cash register receipt? If so, you should know that they are toxic and neither you nor your cat should be handling (pawing?)them. If she was putting the scrunched up receipt in her mouth to play with, that would be even worse. They are coated in BPA, a cancer causing chemical.

Mar 16, 2018
Mine too!
by: Sarah

How strange one of my cats is very shy but loves it when people go to the toilet. She normally hides from guests but sometimes insists on saying hello when they are on the toilet. Unfortunately she can open that door but most people find it weirdly charming. We think her last owner was infirm because of this a a couple of other behaviours she and her litter mate have.

Mar 11, 2018
Remembering a friend
by: Randy

Thumper passed a little over a year ago she gave me 15yrs of love an became closer after my spouce passed away.Her ashes are with me in a small ern.Pets are part of our families, an when they leave us after a long life of love we morn them it brings tears to my eyes as i wtite this.

Mar 10, 2018
what happened to your 2 year old?
by: Anonymous

I have had 3 brown tabby's, love them to death...what happened to your 2 year old Mackenzie? Is it possible for them to die of broken hearts?
One of ours passed during the night last night..

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