Byron Has A Bad Day - Cat Diary

by Kate

Byron and Shelley on a wet day

Byron and Shelley on a wet day

Poor Shelley, he hasn't done a thing wrong and he still gets it in the neck from Byron his brother.

Ah brotherly love.

To be honest with you i think both cats were really bored that day. it had been raining for hours and they desperately wanted to go out and play. As you can see from the picture, the window is open for them to hop onto the flat room and into the garden, but the rain was putting them off.

Byron is particularly jumping lately too. There have been foxes in the garden and even though they stay well clear of our cats (even run away), i think the cats feel a little threatened by them. I have seen both Shelley and Byron marking their territory lately and this is something they don't do very often.

Any way both cats are friends again. Byron is all show any way.

I just love the look on Shelley's face, shock, horror and surprise. :)

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