Cat Diary July 28th 2011 - Update on Cats health

by Kate

shelley in the sun

shelley in the sun

Well what a few weeks we have had. I reported on July 8th that both our cats were sick and that we were going to take them to see the vet.

well it turned out to be more serious than we first thought. the cats deteriorated over a period of four days, not eating, not drinking, limping and sleeping all the time.

After three visits to the vets they were finally taken into a vet hospital because they were both severely dehydrated, both had very nasty mouth ulcers and Byron was jaundiced.

After more tests it was discovered that they had caught the calici virus, which meant that they were highly contagious and at one point we were told that they may not pull through.

I was devastated, we weren't allowed to see them for five days and every day I thought I was going to get a call telling me that they had gone.

However because they were vaccinated it had given them some immunity against the virus and after a week they started to recover.

Both cats are now home and are still improving every day.

the vet bill was over £2000 which luckily our cat insurance will pay.

I nearly lost them and so now I love and cherish them even more. I just don't know how I would have coped if I had lost them.

They are both out now enjoying the sun and look like they are the happiest cats in the world.

Comments for Cat Diary July 28th 2011 - Update on Cats health

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Calici Virus
by: Donna

Glad to hear that the boys are back home and getting healthy. I have never heard of the Calici virus. Is it worldwide? Or, a local virus. I am in the United States. I have two cats that stay indoors. But, we know that is not always a way to prevent sicknesses in cats. Can you tell us more about this virus that disrupted your feline family.

I have heard that it is more prevalent in the USA then here n the UK that is why t took sometme to diagnose as our vets are not used to seeing it.

Speak to your vets about the calci virus vaccination.

Update on your cats health
by: Mary in USA

I am so relieved to hear your kittys are doing better. It is never easy to bein the position of NOT KNOWING what will happen with our kittys.

It is so stressful as they are "our babies" and losing them is not what we ever anticipate.
I am thrilled they have done well and continue to recover.
Good luck to you and your babies and may they continue to do well.

Mary in Virginia USA

Thank goodness
by: Diana

Thank Goodness the boys are ok Kate! I too was worried if they might have gone to join little Mo...phew.....God bless you and the boys Kate....

Thanks Diana, it was touch and go there for awhile. It came on very suddenly and was totally unexpected. the vets thought we were really unlucky with both cats going down at the same time.

Anyway they are much better now and Byron is at last eating properly, well for him anyway. Kate

Byron And Shelly
by: Mary in NC

My Dear Kate
i am so sorry that you and your babies have been through this ordeal.
I was GREATLY releived to hear they are now BOTH at home recovering nicely.
i will keep you and them in my thoughts and hope for a positive result in this.
Hang in there. Your a good KiTTY MUM

Mary in NC USA

Thanks Mary
It was touch and go there for awhile, I really thought I had lost both of them. the vets were being very cautious.
Thankfully they are now both fully of energy and happy to be home and enjoying the summer.

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