29th October 2010 - Scratch, Scratch, Scratch

by Kate

Itch Free Shelley

Itch Free Shelley

October has been a particularly itchy time for our two kitties, Shelley and Byron. Although completely flea free and treated regularly for fleas, this month the two little guys have been scratching themselves silly.

The culprit ah well now thats the trouble, we are in the process of tracking down the cause as we speak. we suspect a cat allergy of some sort but the trick is to discover the actual cause.

So we started by replacing their feeding bowls with ceramic ones rather than plastic. No change. we then replaced their usual food with a different more expensive brand and although the cats absolutely love it, the scratching has continued.

My latest theory is an allergy to flea bites which our dear Little Mo suffered from too. we have lots of foxes living in the area and I suspect that our two very noisy boys are investigating the foxes territory and perhaps even sleeping in similar areas. It only takes one bit from a flea to trigger a reaction if the cat is sensitive to them. So what to do.

well I think it's time for another trip to the vets for a antihistamine injection which sorted Little mo out. i think it must also help to boost their immune system from future flea bites too.

Lets hope that November will be itch free for Shelley and Byron so that they can enjoy their cozy naps a lot more.

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