A couple days ago my cat started acting weak

by Sara

My cat is 1 year old and usually very active and playful. She is acting weak, she sleeps most of the day and she is not eating very much. This started about 3 days ago. I started giving her Viralys gel yesterday. The vet told me to give it to her when I first got her. What is wrong with her? What should I feed her? She eats a few bites of dry food twice a day and I tried tempting her with 3 kind of natural wet food. She ate a little bit of one of them yesterday but just starts smelling it and cleaning her paws then walks away. I am very concerned for her:( She seems congested as well. She does not have diarrhea or any other symptoms besides lots of sleeping, appearing, weak, and not wanting to eat the food I give her. She does seem hungry though because she gets a little excited when I first give her the wet food.

Answer by Kate
Hi well I cannot give you a proper diagnosis only a vet can do that, but it does sound to me like she may have a virus or cold. Similar to us humans really, we pick something up and it knocks us for six for a few days. However if it goes on for more than 5 days then i would definitely recommend taking her to the vets. She may need antibiotics to help her through. Also the vet can make sure that there are no other other possible causes, so don't leave it more than 5 days just in case.

As for food, well I wouldn't feed her anything different. She will eat if she wants, as long as she is drinking water or cat milk regularly to prevent dehydration. If she stops eating and drinking then get her to the vets as soon as you can.

Hopefully this is just a little virus that will pass in a few days.

best wishes Kate

Comments for A couple days ago my cat started acting weak

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My cat
by: Anonymous

My cat disappeared for the whole day yesterday, and then she just turned up at the front door. She's only one year old. She's been lying in the same place since yesterday and she can't even stand up. She doesn't eat her wet food so we gave her some salami and she ate that. Please HELP!!! What's wrong with her???

I feel your pain
by: Anonymous

My cat is a male, and about a year old. He is demonstrating the same symptoms. Poor thing is getting very weak. Took him to the vet and they did all the tests, and determined its a respiratory thing. Gave him antibiotics. Its been 2 days, and he is getting worse. He is not in any pain, but I'm afraid he is slowly slipping away. Good luck with your cat.

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