Bloated kitten

by Alexandra Porte
(Sutton. ON, Canada)

I have a kitten and his stomach is completely bloated out to the point where his spine is sticking out. I'm pretty sure it is a boy so i don't think it could be pregnant, plus i think even if it were a girl it would be too young to be prego. I'm not 100% about their age buut they're big enough to do their own thing but still fairly small, and still considered kittens.He still eats, drinks, and moves around but its obvious that this is not right, plus he doesn't even play or run around with the other kittens. I'm not sure if this is helpful but they're half wild cats because our cat mated with a wild cat but we still feed them and what not, but they're in a good environment. I'm thinking its something with his digestive system but im not 100% sure. I really hope you can help me because he's just a little guy, and has so much more time for him :(

Hi have you wormed your cats and treated them for fleas? i ask this as a bloated stomach can be a indication of worms.

please see my page here about cat worms

You did not mention how old the kittens were but if they are older than a couple of months it might be a good time to have them checked over by the vet and to discuss having them vaccinated and planning for their spaying / neutering operations. It is best to get these things sorted out sooner rather than later. the vet will let youi know when the kittens should have these things done and also what their over all condition is now so that you know what you are taking on now, this is especially important if you are planning on re homing any of therm as it is not fair to give them away without first knowing if they are completely healthy.

Bets wishes Kate

Comments for Bloated kitten

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Please Take Sick Pets to the Vet
by: Anonymous

Getting advice on columns like this are a good idea but they should NEVER replace taking a sick pet to the vet. In the situation I just read a new kitten is so bloated that its spine is sticking out and no longer is able to play with the other kittens. Thats all kittens do is play. If they stop playing, something is very wrong. If the spine is sticking out, that kitten's stomach is being stretch to the point of possible rupture. Please don't spend time here. Call the vet and take him there.

Comment from Site owner Kate
Absolutely correct. Always take advice from a vet. My site provides guidance only.

I agree, take him to a vet.
by: Anonymous

Our 2 year old cat has the same symptoms. You should take him to a vet, it could be FIP.

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