brown specks coming from kitten

by jane

i have a 14 wk old female kitten and i have noticed on my cream bedding and floor tiles theres loads and loads of tiny brown bits all over like dust. I thought it might be flea excrement but she never scratches so i really dont know what it is. Have seen it before then not for a while .

Answer by Kate
yes it does sound like flea dirts to me. make sure you give her a regular monthly spot on treatment and comb through her her fur with a flea comb for a few days to see if you come across anything.

i really cant think of what else it could be. Part her fur to have a look at her skin to make sure that it is not flaky or has any scabs at all. If you do find anything unusual then it would be best to have a vet check her to have the condition diagnosed properly

best wishes Kate

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