bubble in cat ear???

by lea
(pasadena, CA, US)

About a week ago, a friend pointed out that there was some strange black bubble in my cat's ear. Its just one small blackish blue bubble in his ear? What could it be? & How can I treat and prevent it from happening again?

Thank you for your time.

Answer by KAte
hi well it is difficult to say what this could be. Are you sure its not a tick? they can look like black / bluey blobs. https://www.our-happy-cat.com/removing-ticks.html

To be honest with you your best option is to have this blob identified by a vet so that you know how best it should be treated. It could even be a non cancerous tumor, my cat had one on her ear too which had to be removed. until you know for sure what is causing this it is impossible to say how best to treat and prevent it from happening again.

i hope your cat is better soon

best wishes Kate

Comments for bubble in cat ear???

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bubble in cat's ear
by: Anonymous

My cat has the same thing only several of them. They are very small though, about the size of a pin head, could they still be ticks? I shall read the page about removing ticks and see if I can remove them.

Comment from kate
Ticks aren't normally very small they are more like the size of your small nail.

Other small black dots could be ear mites see this page

by: Anonymous

yes it is a tick my dog had one on her ear too and it was an enlarged tick we took her for a walk and it jumped off.

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