Cannot pick up cat

by Margie

I have had my cat a year she was 6 months old when I got her she will not let anyone pick her up it is very difficult to pet her whenever you try to pet her she has this high pitch meow. I long to pick her up and pet her.she has a brother that she plays with and she seems happy, she is healthy and eats a good diet

Answer by Kate
unfortunately some cats simply don't like to be picked up, this is especially true if they were not handles much when they were very small. My own cats could only be picked up for about 10 seconds before she struggled to get down.

All i can suggest is that you keep trying but when she struggles put her down and leave her for a while, you don't want the experience to be associated with a nasty one.

Also make sure you are picking her up properly, see this page for more info on this.

best wishes kate

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