Cat - 8 month's old - peeing everywhere

Hi - I have 2 cats, both of them are 8 months old. They've been with us since they were about 6 weeks.

About 3 weeks ago, one of them started to pee everywhere (clothes, floor, rug) even if his litter box was clean. At first, we thought that he was trying to mark his territory. However, the other day I started noticing that he was "scooting" on the rug like his butt was itching and also noticed that he is licking his butt quite often. Not sure if this is something behavioral, worms or something more serious. Please advise

you did not mention if the cat are neutered or not? this could be a factor.

It sounds to me like the cat has a some sort of irritation in that areas so it could be a urine infection or blocked anal glands. See this page for more on these

Also have yu wormed him yet? the irritation could be due to worms and the urination a symptom of his anxiety about this.


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