cat crying, wanting attention, being odd....

by Katie J

My 14year old indoor/outdoor cat has been acting SO strange lately. He will cry all the time. When someone says his name, when someone is walking down the street, he just cries. He sleeps in weird places now, like above my moms head. He won't listen at all anymore. When we would tell him no he used to listen VERY well. He wants to sleep on top of my laptop? He won't go outside at night like he used to. He just seems uneasy. I am really worried about him. Please help me understand what is wrong with my poor Bud. =(

Answer by KAte
it sounds to me like it is just old age which has crept up on him. A cats behavior can change as they get older and it is not unusual for them to be less active than they used to.

Please read my page about senior cats i think it may help you understand what may be going on with your cat. but if you are really concerned then a trip to your vets is never a bad idea even if it is just to put your mind at rest.

here is that page

best wishes Kate

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