cat dribbling looking miserable not able to clean her coat

by sheila

Old cat 15 had operation to remove badly decaysed teeth almost all of them taken out since operation she dribbles has difficulty cleaning herself is not very active and pokes at her face occasionally. Should I take her back to the Vets or is this normal

Thank you

Poor kitty, unfortunately having her teeth removed has probably caused the dribbling, im not sure there is much that can be done. the vet may be able to prescribe something which reduces the amount of saliva she produces.

She is an old cat now and so it is usual for things to become a little more difficult for her. this is when we as cat owners have to step in and help, especially with things like grooming as it may be a little too difficult for them to do themselves

All I can say is, if she is still eating and drinking ok and using the litter then it is likely that she just needs extra care and attention ie with the grooming etc.

However you could speak to your vet about the dribbling to see if there is anything he can do about this.

As for the poking at the face well she may just be fed up with the dribbling which could be causing irritation etc. Again a conversation with your vet is probably your bet option.

best wishes kate

i have a page about senior cats on my site too which you may find of further interest here

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