Cat illness

by Lauren
(Mesa, AZ)

My friend has a female cat who seems depressed, has no energy to even get up and walk, will not eat or drink either. She was also seen throwing up which is very rare. It was not a hair ball, it wasnt due to overeating because there were no obvious pieces of food in it. It was tannish, greenish looking substance with the consistancy of maybe soft baby food. Do you have any idea as to what this could be? She was purchased from an owner over craigslist who provided documentation of her being spaded and having all necessary shots. Any ideas how to make the situation better would be greatly appreciated.

Answer by Kate
Lauren, the answer is simple. Your friend must must must take her cat to the vets as soon as possible. the symptoms you describe sounds like a serious illness or condition. Not eating or drinking, vomiting and a change in mood are all signs of ill health. i hope it is not something serious and that the vet can help. they really are the only ones who will be able to diagnose the condition as an examination or tests may be required to find the cause.

best wishes kate

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