cat obsessed

by Laura

my cat is obsessed with my boyfriend.

everytime he comes round to my house (i live with mum dad and brother when hes back from uni) and my cat tom seems to know when my boyfriend is round. he will meow outside my bedroom door, jump on the bed and snuggle right up to my boyfriend. I have been with my boyfriend for a year and over 7 months so he must know him by now. but i find it interesting why my cat is besotted with him :s
please explain many thanks

Answer by Kate
Ah if only we knew the goings on in our cats minds.

It may simply be his smell which the cat finds particularly comforting or it may just be that he just likes him.

i call my partner a cat charmer, no matter what cat he meets they seem to love him and are drawn to him. he has always been like that. perhaps they sense a kindred spirit, well my fella does like to sleep alot too :)

I'm afraid there is simply no real answer i can give.

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