Happy Cat Diary Friday 27th July 2007

Our Cat Little Mo looking cute

Our Cat Little Mo looking cute

Im sooooooooo happy today because the sun came out at last. Like a lot of you cute kittens, Im a real sun worshipper, so much so that my mom & dad were thinking of changing my name at one time to 'Isis' - (the sun god!). I don't know how many of you know, but here in England we've been having a terrible summer - rain, rain, rain & more rain, so much so in fact that much of our little country has been terribly flooded. Luckily I live on a small hill in the outskirts of east London, so I'm nice and safe here. I feel so sorry for all the poor people and of course their cats who have had their lives ruined by the flooding!

But today was sunny, and I had a lovely time in my garden, bouncing around trying to catch the butterflies and grasshoppers. My dad put some sun block on my good ear which he always does now, and Im very good because I dont try to lick it off - but I do get dust stuck on it when I enjoy a good roll around in the dust!

I do love being outside - it feels soooo great. Luckily again, I live in a nice quiet road - pretty little Victorian cottages, not many cars going by, and lots of trees, plants and birds - I can almost imagine I'm living in a little English village sometimes. And I love our back garden. My dad was out picking blackberries so I kept him company while I watched out for any froglets or mice hiding in the undergrowth - I enjoy pretending I'm hunting in a jungle - and with my dad being the lazy gardener that he is, it looks just like a jungle too! But it's great for wildlife (well, that's his excuse).

Well, I'm going to meow at him now as it's tea time (crunchy & cat milk time for me!) and if that doesn't work, I'll turn the cute factor up to warp-ten until he can't hold out any longer - it never takes long!

I'll come back and meow to you all again soon.

Keep Happy, Lots of purrrrrrrrrs,

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