Happy Cat Diary Monday 24th December 2007

I have been sooooooooooo hungry lately!

I’ve been meowing and meowing all the time at my Mum & Dad, and although they do give me lots of food, it’s never enough. I’m still hungry! Even the nice lady next door said how thin I was looking and wondered to herself if my Mum & Dad were feeding me properly. And I have been feeling a bit unusual as well. Poor little me!

To make things even worse, my Dad took me to that horrible place called the ‘vets’. The man there is all very gentle and sounds very nice, but then he goes and does the most horrible things to me. He squeezed all round my throat and belly, then stuck a long, cold thing up my bottom and then a sharp needle in my neck!
“Ow! Meeeow!” I shouted, and then struggled to get straight back into my basket to hide so he couldn’t do any more nasty things to me.
I don’t know why my Mum & Dad take me to that horrible place every now and then, but I wish they’d stop. It feels like I’m being punished, but I don’t know what for!

Anyway, a couple of days later, my Mum & Dad started to give me even more food, as much as I wanted and my very favourite type all the time. Only this time I sometimes noticed there were funny little hard round things hidden in it. I didn’t know what they were, but I was so hungry I just gobbled them down with the food.

I heard Mum & Dad talking to the nice lady next door and they were saying strange things about me; something about my ‘thyroid’, and something else about me needing an ‘operation’ whatever that is.

Oh well, whatever it all means, at least Mum & Dad have been even more attentive to me lately, giving me even more strokes and cuddles, and I must admit I’ve started to feel a little bit better now. I don’t have to meow and meow at them all the time, and I can relax a bit more like normal once my tummy in nice and full with my favourite food.

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