Happy Cat Diary Tuesday 31st July 2007

Little Mo our cat looking pretty

Little Mo our cat looking pretty

I learnt a new trick today!

Every morning, I like to get my Dad out of bed as early as I can. Sometimes it's around 6.30am, more often than not it's 5.30, and if I think it's going to be a nice sunny day, possibly even 4.30 in the morning!

Anyway, poor old Dad doesn't much care for this, as he doesn't actually have to be up for work until about half past eight. But I turn on the charm until he gives in, and I must admit he never gets angry with me - well, maybe just a little bit grumpy!

Sometimes it can be quite hard work! I'll purr in his ear and tickle his cheek with my whiskers until I know he's stirring, and then I'll give him a couple of my best head-bumps to make sure he really is waking up. Very often he pretends to still be asleep. And I know he's pretending, and he knows that I know he's pretending, but he still tries, even though he knows he's going to have to get up in the end anyway!

If he's being really stubborn, I start to gently tug at the bed clothes with my claws, right by his ear until he opens his eyes. Then I give him that big wide-eyed look and my well-practiced pitiful "mew" that us kitties know humans just can't resist, and that usually does the trick!

Then I'm trotting to my breakfast bowl
with Dad following close behind, and he still doesn't get angry even when he sees that I've still got all the kitty crunchies in my bowl that he put there earlier in case I got hungry in the night, and I've still got all my kitty milk in my saucer that he put there earlier in case I got thirsty in the night!

It's just that I do love a bit of company while I'm eating, don't you?

Anyway, this morning I just couldn't wake Dad up. And I don't even think he was pretending - he was faaaast asleep! I tried all my favourite tricks - and nothing - not a blink. So I sat there by his bedside having a think, until I came up with a brilliant plan.

It worked in seconds! "Cac...cac....cac......cassshlurrrrrmmph" I bought up a lovely fur-ball right by his pillow!! He was up like a shot! I've never seen him get out of bed so quick! It was a brilliant plan!

The only trouble was I didn't get any breakfast! - I found myself outdoors in a flash, and I had to wait over two hours until half past eight before I could get back to my crunchies.

So even though I thought it worked well at first, I'm going to have to think twice before I use that particular trick again!

Little Mo, till next time from my happy cat diary (Every kitty should have a happy cat diary)

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