my kittin is acting weired!

by misty

i have a 4-5 month old kitten who stays outside she has always been bouncy and playful and always eating like it might be her last meal. all of a sudden 2 days ago she has stopped wanting to eat and just lays around and dosent really want to do much of nothing! she has a few fleas but not many(i have a flea collar on her for about a month now) what could cause her to act this way all of a sudden?

Answer by Kate
My advice would be to remove the flea collar and to treat her with a good quality spot on treatment such as Advantage or frontline.

the fact that she still has a few fleas suggests that the collar is not being effective. fleas can carry virus to the cat and can also cause anemia which would cause this sort of behavior in your cat.

there have also been nasty instances where some cats have been poisoned by some flea collars, I really don't like to see them used for too long these days, especially when it is so important that cats are kept flea free and they are not as effective as the spot on treatments.

i have some more information about the problems with fleas and how to treat them etc which you may find of further help and interest, here is the first page

best wishes Kate

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