1 year old male cat lethargic

by dede
(Texas )

my cat in happier times

my cat in happier times

I have a neutered male 1 year old cat. He's usually very active but the last few days he's just been sleeping under the bed. I haven't seen him eat but I work during the day. He hasn't come and purred on me at night like he usually does. I thought he might have a fever so I gave him some tuna water to drink. I offered it twice today and he has drank both times. Then he goes right back to sleeping under the bed. I live in Texas and the weather has become very hot... I don't know if that would have anything to do with it or not. He's not getting skinny or having any apparent physical troubles. Just a change in attitude and the lethargy. Plus he hasn't wanted to go outside like he usually does. And he hasn't meowed or talked to us like he normally would. Should I be worrying about this or is he just becoming extremely lazy?? It has been going on for 3 days now.

well it could simply be the hot weather affecting him. My own cats are eating less and lazing around a lot more since has got warm, so it may simply be that. Perhaps its cooler under the bed.

All you can do is monitor how much he is eating and more importantly drinking. If you notice any other symptoms then of course take him to the vets. but at this stage i would not worry too much. Just monitor the situation for a few more days.

My own cats will go through periods of changed behavior, sometimes due to a bug which lasts a few days then they return to normal.

make sure that you have treated for fleas and worms . both of which can cause illness.


Hope he is back to his old self soon

best wishes kate

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If it continues, have him checked for leukemia
by: Anonymous

My 9 month old female cat became lathargic and when I took her in, I was devastated to learn that she had feline leukemia. I had to have her put down on that day because the vet said that she only had days to live(& not pleasant ones). I really hope that your cat will prove to have something else and get healthy and strong!

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