by Linda K
(Maplewood, MN)
My un-neutered 10 mo old male siamese mix named Taco is suddenly acting strange. He's our only kitty. He has never sprayed, but the last two days I have noticed "that smell" around my house - and he seems to no longer even be using his litterbox to pee in, but he stills poops in it. Also he has thrown up 3 times in 3 day - which he has never done before. Lastly, he is meowing these long obnoxious meows at night. We haven't changed anything as far as his diet or litter, however we have not been home much at all the last couple of days which is unusual. We come home to him sitting by our door "crazy meowing". Any thoughts or does this seem normal? Oh FYI we have never brought him to the vet for anything so he is not current with shots and he is strictly a indoor cat.
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