11 month old cat won't stop salivating...

by laurie walsh
(university place, wa)



his mouth is dripping a water like substance like crazy. there are puddles all over the house. i thought it was urine but i smwlled it and it wasnt, and when i found my cat his mouth was draining saliva, but its really watery. its warm. there is nothing in his mouth, and nothing is irritated. the only thing i noticed was his lower left big tooth was pushed back and it is poking the roof of his mouth but god knows how long that has been there. i just noticed the extream salivation today and i am freaking out. i dont know what to do.

Answer by Kate
sounds to me like you really do need to take your cat to the vets as soon as possible.

Either the tooth is causing a problem or there is some invisable source which has irritated the mouth (like an allergen) which is causing the salivation.

The sooner he is treated the better just in case infection sets in or effects of the allergen (if that what the cause is) causes other problems.

Cute little guy by the way, hope he is better soon.

best wishes Kate

Comments for 11 month old cat won't stop salivating...

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by: Anonymous

Check the teeth. Mine did this due to teething difficulties getting baby teeth loose before new ones come in. I was able to get two out and one had to be surgically removed unfortunately. All healed well and new teeth came out smooth.

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