11 week old kitten suddenly sleeping all the time and not eating or drinking

by Kristi
(Candler, NC, USA)

About 24 hours ago, this kitten was acting normal. Eating, drinking and playing with his siblings. Since yesterday afternoon, he has only slept. He has not eaten or drank anything and I haven't seen him go to the potty. He still meows and purrs but if you try to interact with him, he just wants to lay back down. HE looks normal and can move around if you make him. Worried to death about him. Please help if you can. It is Thanksgiving and I don't think that my vet is open today.

Answer by Kate
Hopefully all that is wrong is that he may have a slight cold or a virus which will pass in a day or two. I have cats and this can happen from time to time, they sleep a lot and seem a little withdrawn for a day or two but then spring back.

All you can do is to give your kitten some quiet space to sleep, make sure they are comfortable and warm (not too hot though) and make sure they do have fresh water nearby to drink and that they do drink water to prevent dehydration. If they won't drink then you may have to spoon some in if they get very sick.

If his behavior does not improve in a day or so times then i would take him to the vets when they re open.

Don't worry too much, this sort of thing can happen from time to time.

Hope he is better soon

best wishes Kate


Comments for 11 week old kitten suddenly sleeping all the time and not eating or drinking

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Kitten not feeling well
by: Anonymous

My kitten has stopped eating, drinking, purring. He has been gagging and threw up very little 2 times but his lil body has still tried to gag, but nothing came up. I force fed him today but he’s still just lying across me or will go hide. So far the baby food-has stayed down. As hes sleeping now, his body is jumping as he sleeps. What’s going on an what can I do, cant get to vet

11 week old very skinny
by: Anonymous

My 11 weeks old is very skinny.. he eats enough sleeps n plays.. but after he had a diarrhea he is hardly gaining weight... he is only 1.5 lb

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