12 year old cat acting confused after one week away

by Michelle

I've had my cat for 12 years since he was 6 weeks old. I have moved several times, and even gotten married in those years, but still has not had any behavior problems with him. My cat has always been a nervous cat and has an enlarged heart. He had a small stroke around 6 years ago, but no problems since. Last week, I went on vacation for 7 days and took my cat to my sisters while I was gone so he wouldn't be alone. She said he was fine while I was gone, but since he's been home, he is moving in slow motion. He looks confused and dazed. He is still eating fine and doing his regular routine, but he just doesn't look right. Is this normal? Did he forget me in a week?? The day I left, he was at the vet and got his regular shots, a steriod shot for his hotspots, and a preventative dose of flea repellent.

Answer by Kate
Umm well from your description it is difficult to say whether this is a behavioral issue or if there is indeed something physically wrong going on here.

Sometimes a change in routine can make a cat act a little odd for a few days but thats all i wouldn't normal have said that it would cause them to move differently etc.

recently my cat was bitten on the tail and before we noticed the injury we noticed his change in behavior which was more nervous and weary. So I am wondering if there is something physically wrong going on here.

If i were you if this behavior has gone on for more than a few days i would want to have him looked over by a vet just in case there is something that is not being picked up by you. Sometimes a vet can just see symptoms before we do.

i do hope he is back to his old self soon

best wishes Kate

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