14 year old female unspayed cat

by Julie Poker
(Oswego, IL)

My 14 year old unspayed cat (who is usually quite healthy) seems to have stopped grooming herself. This is definately not like her; she generally overgrooms (she has actually caused bald spots in the past.) She has also had discharge from her vaginal area for a few weeks now. She was in heat when this started, so I didn't think anything of it. It started out blood tinged and has since changed to a thick, yellowish discharge. Her anal area also looks irritated (though I have only noticed this from a distance). She has never had kittens and does not go outside.

Just checked her food and water. I don't think she's been eating or drinking(at least for the past couple of days that we can tell). Also, she has been hiding in the basement much more than usual.

Unfortunately, I really don't have the money to take her to the vet right now. How necessary do you think a vet visit is? Is she having medical problems or having age issues?

Please help,
The Poker Family

Answer by Kate
Considering her age and her symptoms i would really strongly say that a trip to the vets is definately required. She could have a nasty infection and any animal that stops eating properly and stops grooming is definately ill and needs some medical attention soon.

I know vet bills are not cheap but the care of a member of family is never cheap.

I do hope she recovers soon with the help of the vet.

best wishes Kate

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