14 yo cat lost voice, less active

by Tasha

my cat is getting close to 15 years old and for the last couple days she has lost her voice usually no sound comes out or a small squeek, or croak will. she has also stopped being as active and i havnt seen her eat, drink, or use the litter box. i currently dont have to money to take her to a vet because i took her a couple weeks ago and that visit cost 300 dollars. i want to make her better but i cant find anything that tells me how. please help

Answer from Kate
Well it could be a simple cold. cats too can get colds and sore throats too and this could lay her low for a few days.

All you can do for her is to make sure she does not become dehydrated and to give her some quiet time to sleep it off.

if she is not better in a few more days then unfortunately the vets may be the only answer in case it is something else causing her lack of appetite etc.

i have a page about cat flu which is a severe cold but it may give you some more idea on similar symptoms etc


Hopefully your cat will be better soon

Best wishes Kate

Comments for 14 yo cat lost voice, less active

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your cat
by: Anonymous

I understand another vet bill after $300 would be rough. When you took your cat before was it just a wellness checkup or was she sick then too?
I ask because the vet may not charge you again if the cat was sick then and hasn't gotten better and maybe now is worse...Or even if the two illnesses are not connected, the vet may let you have a free followup - I would be worth a phone call to see???? (Most vets are pretty reasonable and don't want pets to suffer.)

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