1yr old female, running and hiding...

by Mark

Today our young 1 yr cat Misty started running away from us, keeping her body close to the ground, then hiding in really tight spaces that she never normally goes near. We have two young female cats, very well looked after, there's nothing that could freak them out, both are indoor cats, well fed, we regularly play and interact with them.

She's went very timid, her ears are still pointing upwards/forwards though, she does not looked scared and she's not been crying out with pain, but she is very reluctant for us to lift her. Needless to say we're gonna give her another hour or so before calling a vet, just in case it's a false alarm, but it's worrying to see her like this.

Her tails went kinda puffy, but I managed to pet her head, back and sides, plus lifted her tail without her reacting to pain, but not been able to check her belly or back legs properly. But worried about lifting her in case I cause her any pain or further damage...but calling out the vet is an option, both cats are insured so I have no issues with vet bills.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Answer by Kate

Umm sounds strange doesn't it. like you say she may have a tummy pain which is causing her to act strangely and not want to be picked up or she may have just become sacred about something (cats can react badly to some of the smallest changes or situations) it is often difficult for us humans to tell. You are doing the right thing and watching and monitoring her behavior for a while, sometimes something like this will simply pass on it's own.
Hopefully it will not require the vet to visit.

Scared Cat by: Anonymous

My cat is ten years old and he belly crawls when he hears thunder this is the only time he belly crawls. He also get the pooffed up tail and arches his back when he get a scent of another cat or wild animal. Dog scents do not bother him,

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